Monday, September 15, 2008
The Shift IS Upon Us!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hey People!
What's been happening? Exschoonerd has been going loco over at her blog. Lovely reading, as always. Got name dropped by Chairlady. Point noted o benevolent one! LOL
Am readying a lttle project that I'll announce soon, but for now all I'll say is that I was at TARUWA at Bogobiri at Ikoyi last Tuesday. It was great! M.I's performance was lovely and it was a trip to finally get the honour of seeing BB do her thing on stage
I might be moving this blog from this address - will keep you posted on the move if and when it occurs. For all those hitting me up on Facebook, thanks! All those who keep calling as per 'Lady on the bus'? Enough Already! LOL! Just playing, the support is amazing
Hope you've been having a great September so far people! Much love!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Since I've Been Gone...
Well, seems now you can understand why I haven't really been able to keep up with the blogging
On the personal front? much has happened that I don't know where to begin. The summary? I have made immense emotional and pshycological progress on my seemingly unshakeable problem with intimacy. The update? had a relapse and I'm right back where I started. LOL!
Seen THE DARK KNIGHT yet? GO SEE IT! Seen WANTED? GO SEE IT! Seen KUNG FU PANDA - by now you get the picture...
Oddest thing here, is that in the midst of all my daily 'busy' - I STILL get hit by the whole 'What Am I doing with my life and Why?' syndrome odd huh?
On another hand I'm going to be on 'Moments With Mo' sometime in September - LOL! I have a feeling its going to be thier highest rated episode yet. Why? 'Cos they got a bunch of writers up on the couch. Writers who all know each other. Oh, you're not aware? Writers are the most UNSTABLE breed there is? Don't believe me? Go check out exschoolnerd's blog - or ineffablewater or or get the picture...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Revenge Of The Tagged!
The rules? I mention 6 quirks about yours truly and then tag 6 others. Okay here goes nothing -
1. I really really really (have I mentioned really?) HATE absolutely EVERYTHING about great movies. I mean, I go see a great movie (Iron Man, Indy 4 and Saw come to mind) and I'm sitting there and the popcorn is slowly starting to taste like perfectly puffed kernels of horseshit and the drink might as well be fermented ogogoro with a dash of vodka and a twist. Great movies momentarily entertain me but ultimately depress me. Why? 'Cos I should have made them - oh, well they're already made. I should be making mine!!! - this leads to --
2. I push myself REALLY hard. I am my own worst critic. So much so that playa hating sort of bounces off me. You can't diss me as much as I do to myself so give it a rest. I expect so much from myself. Push myself towards such ridiculous standards that sometimes I fall into these deep dark dank depths of depression (how's that for alliteration folks?). In summary, I expect more from me than from anyone else
3. I have often been accused of throwing large words around. See number 2 above for the quote below;
'deep dark dank depths of depression (how's that for alliteration folks?). '
Now, to me I don't see the big grammer there, but someone looked over my shoulder as I was typing this and said - and I quote verbatim "Guy which way? Na dictionary you dey write?"
Go figure? It's enough to make a garrulous intro/extrovert like me take a vow of -, vow of -, wait let me check a dictionary for a big enough word to fit in there
4. I am an incurable romantic. Through and through. Sure I've become a bit jaded, a bit cynical. But I am still a romantic. I have no idea why. Must be in my DNA somewhere, but I think any woman who makes your heart skip a beat is worth making a fool of ones self over. Okay, before you start getting ready to barf and expect me to change my color scheme here to pink with kittens, ribbons and hearts, there's -
5. I am a polygamist at heart. Contradictory right? Look at it this way, Fundamentally? I really marvel at the general consensus that one man = one woman. I think it's hard wired into the male DNA to have multiple sexual partners. Here's where I differ from the whole 'men are meant to shag as many as they may' argument. I just believe that when I find that woman I am totally willing to walk on water for? Then by all means I shall forsake all others. But until then? I see no reason why any man should lie about having multiple partners
But where I really draw the ire of a lot of people. I have found no reason why there is something wrong with one man or one woman having feelings for more than one person at a time. I believe it is possible to love more than one person at a time
That being said, the funny part? I don't have multiple partners, and I am not in love with one not to talk of two people, so what the hell am I talking about?
6. I love a good myth-arc or story line/arc/world of mythological depth and proportion. In other words, I am a geeky nerd who just loves it when someone creates another dimension of such superficially ridiculous mettle, but such rich metaphorical depth that we find ourselves inexplicably drawn to the need to live there. Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Naruto, Bleach, Neon Genesis Evangelion, 24, Lost - these stories that go beyond...I have no word for it. These words fail me as to how to describe what I feel about the ability to create another world so attractive that millions the world over chose to live in's been my dream since I was a mere's the only reason I get out of bed
So there's my 6. Maybe they're not personal enough, but they're quirks to me. As to who I'll tag? Watch this space...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Friday, May 9, 2008
To My Friends
For that I am terribly sorry
To all the friends I've lost through my seeming lack of care or emotion. To all those who stick by me. To all those who would love to stick around but I make it impossible to...
I am so sorry
To my twin - please forgive me
How I Met My Future
How many of you have laid eyes on the truly awesome glory that is the show "How I met your mother'? You havent? TRAVESTY!!!! The DVD's are out there - run don't walk -
"You call that a - at best that's a trot - do you hear me soldier? RUN!!!"
- and get the first two seasons. You won't regret it. If you do, send them back to me, I'll buy them off your hands at double the market price
Back to the other main issue - WHATS UP PEOPLE? Been gone for a minute - sorry, having ANOTHER mid life crises (at 26, WOW!) and been immersing myself in work to get out of it
But more importantly have been watching and rewatching Craig Thomas' and Carter Bays' immortal gift to the world. The sitcom 'How I met your mother'. Okay enough with the shameless plugging - maybe I need to explain
I started out writing and directing comedy on stage, all of it being a stepping stone in my mind for what I really wanted to do. But at the same time never dared to openely voice - create, write and direct my own sitcom
A few years in Nollywood quickly jaded me and I gave up the dream for lost - until recently. The upgrades and the advances in the game have suddenly made quite a few things possible
And then - I decided. What the hell? And I wrote a sitcom pilot a few weeks ago - trust me, it was crappy and far from pretty. But then it was a pilot, it was a sitcom and it was mine. Then I decided to do a little research and all the glowing praise on the NEt for HIMYM pushed me to get the DVD
The rest as they say is history. I'm following my oldest dream
In the weeks to come, I am going to be writing the first season of my sitcom. Wish me luck. Who knows I might even post the pilot script up here for your critique
But I havent been this excited in a long time. It feels like I am starting all over again. This is a stretch. Selling a asitcom in Nigeria? Punchlines, a laugh track that wont sound stupid? A studio shoot? unknown actors?a three camera setup?
It's a long shot? A stretch. A Hail Mary play.
Great. Just as I like it...
I'm dreaming again...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Question
Have no idea how to answer that one. Wish I did but I don't. Why not? Dunno, guess am just waiting for the chips to fall where they may
Odd huh? For someone who yells Be proactive! Don't react, don't wait for something to happen, MAKE it happen.
Guess after a while you learn that there are certain things that you control and others that are out of your hands
Am watching Heroes as this. After seeing Ugly Betty season 2. What would I really love to do? Create my own TV show. My own great great TV show
One that'll be so massive that people will happily wear the T-shirt while millions will download the screen savers. And after season one? I'll get a million emails asking for the premiere date for season 2.
That's what I want right now. That's the dream. It might not be what I get. But it's what am aiming at. Will I get it? Who knows right?
Hey, what are YOU aiming at?
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Once Again!
Oh and by the way, have you ever gotten like REALLY depressed over stuff you think you should be doing as opposed to the normal yet everybody else thinks its great life that you have now?
Just asking...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Agege bread.
Makes no sense? Well at least not yet. For those of you who have never been to Lagos State and have never tasted this delicacy, I offer my condolences.
It is a very normal looking brick-shaped [as most of our local bread is shaped] of bread with a fan base numbering in tens [if not hundreds] of thousands and a taste that’s not only addictive but so rich that you just KNOW that it has to be bad for you [Indeed I heard about a year ago there was a big hullabaloo by health officials who said research had shown that it IS harmful, potassium bromate et al]
But why am I telling you about it? Why should you care? This began as a random thought – on marketing and a simple question
Why do loaves of bread have labels?
As to the larger size ‘family’ loaves I can think of a few reasons. Since they are usually whole family meals/breakfasts, there is a chance of brand loyalty – where a family can adopt one brand and stay with it [more out of convenience than loyalty really]
Also when traveling or intra-city commuting and a sweaty roadside hawker thrusts a loaf in your face unasked, [he must have a 6th sense that tells him you’re hungry] you can take a look at the label and in a haughty tone tell him that you don’t buy this brand – then sweeping a fast eye over the rest of his wares, you note a brand he doesn’t have and then loudly ask if he has that brand, and that it is the only one that you buy.
You see, that way you can turn him down, hide the fact that you’re broke and appear to have high taste in pastry all at the same time.
I’m not talking about the family loaves. I’m talking about those generic 30 naira bricks [and some, if not most, of them are as hard as bricks]
I decided to investigate. 100% of all respondents I interviewed said the same thing. Nobody reads those damn labels
So I took the questions to the bakers and the retailers. Answer = The labels are there to inspire loyalty between retailers and bakers. Does it work?
What’d did they expect? That we would all clamor for our favorite breakfast sawdust brick? And that the retailers who had to throw away a third of their stock daily would stay with them long enough to build a bond of any kind? Retailers tend to switch bakeries on the average of every three weeks.
And then there’s Agege bread. A veritable institution. A few days after I ingested my first loaf I was a hopeless addict. I mean it’s been discussed on NTA network shows. I have heard at least two songs ENTIRELY dedicated to its virtues AND seen an accompanying video on network TV. I’ve witnessed foreign exotic vehicles stop by the road side to buy the Big Powerful Oga in the back seat his daily fix...
Here’s a fun fact,
Agege bread has no label.
The point? You should have reached it by now. All the pizzazz, glamour and packaging in the world won’t build a brand for or save a product that is of low quality, no remarkability and has no value to offer
Forget the wrapping and trying to create perception. CREATE VALUE!
Yes sometimes value and pizzazz do go hand and hand, but sometimes value alone is enough...
That’s how institutions are born.
Let me tell you how NOT to build an institution. Go to the famous Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos State. Whirl around with your eyes closed and point to any building. There’s an 80/20 chance that you’re pointing at an eatery or clothing store.
Eatery 80%, Clothing store 20%
Doing what worked for ‘that guy’, or following an industry ‘standard’ is the worst thing that you can do. At best you simply become an unofficial brand extension of the pioneer.
Look at it this way; True or False all the eatery’s you’ve ever been in are all clones of each other?
See how ripe that market is for someone who is ‘label-less’ but with a menu that actually tastes like it’s worth the prices these clones charge? True, these eateries make money but in doing so they leave the REALLY big money right there on the table for some unknown to pick it up and walk away with it [basically what Bill Gates and Microsoft did to IBM and the ‘giants’ of their time, and Wal*Mart did to Sears and Co.]
If you REALLY want to talk cloning I have two words only to personify the ENTIRE trend.
Pure. Water.
Enough said.
So you have two choices. Spend a lot of money dressing up a monkey and try to pass him off as a woman, or dress up a teenager girl to pass for a grown woman...
Only one of them has a chance to really ever become one
And like Margaret Thatcher once famously said “Being a Leader is like being a Woman; if you have to tell people that you are, then you are definitely not one...”
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
The Last Day
For all those who worked on the boardroom shoot, I cannot thank you enough. You guys are the greatest!!!
Watch the show people! It's great!!!
On a more personal note, there are a lot of people that I met on this show that I will NEVER forget, for good or for otherwise. More of the former thankfully...
There are certain faces that I will miss the excuse to see everyday - to all of those people (and those 'persons') I will miss you SEVERELY...
Today's shoot is going to bittersweet for me, but ah well, the show must go on - 8 minutes to go. Have to go check on my crew - one last time
Lights, camera - ACTION!!!
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Like I said, A Good Question. Which I can’t answer...
“What?! What kind of consultant are you?”
Consider this; have you ever felt like you were meant to do something MAJOR on this planet? You have? Good for you...
“What about the rest of us who have No Idea At All?”
How do you find that One Big Idea? Good Question, especially now that you are sick of all these motivational speakers and all these ‘secrets of success’. As a matter of fact they can keep their secrets!!! And those seminars are so empty of content that the only thing you’re motivated to do is throw up...
“Details! Details man! Give Us Specifics! Okay we’re blank – we have NO plans. We’ve suppressed our dreams so much that we’ve lost them. YOU know so much Mr. Speaker, so go ahead and give us a dream. Go ahead, roll up your sleeves and deliver to each of us that custom made built-just-for-us One Big Idea!”
Know what that means? Paradox = ‘a statement containing two OPPOSITE ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely, although it is probably true’
That’s what that request is – and I get it all the time.
Let me clarify something; I am NOT a ‘motivational speaker’
I don’t speak to motivate you. My goal is to motivate you to speak. To stand up to, for and to be yourself.
I cannot give you your idea. That’d be cheating. I could shrink-wrap an idea and put it in your hands already ‘pre-cooked’ – but what good does that do you? How have I helped you?
You will NEVER hear me say anything about ‘success’.
I DON’T teach or preach ‘success’
I preach self discovery. We teach EVOLUTION
So, back to the basics. Back to the One Big Idea. There are some of us who have a plan already. One that we think just might be the Big One. But how do you know for sure?
You Don’t
“Say what?”
I said, You Don’t...
Nobody can tell you if what you’re doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile. The more compelling the path, the lonelier it is...
So naturally you ask yourself, if and when you finally come up with The Big Idea after years of toil, struggle and doubt, how do you know whether or not it is ‘The One’
Answer = You don’t
There is no ‘glorious swelling of existential triumph’. That’s not what happens.
All you get is a rather kvetchy voice inside you that seems to say;
“This is totally stupid. This is utterly moronic. This is a complete waste of time. I’m going to do it anyway”
And you go do it anyway...
Hugh MacLeod
Very Good Answer
Obviously this article was inspired by the above quote and the numerous people who have asked me that question over the years
Well that’s my answer and you heard it here first. I cannot sit here and tell you that I know what your future holds. I can’t tell if you are on the right or wrong path...
That is for you to know.
If the path leads to places that you don’t expect or particularly like – well, what did you learn from it? Experience has been defined as what you get whenever you don’t get exactly what you wanted...
And if the path takes you where you should go?
That’s for all of us to find out, and marvel at...
So here’s One Big Idea; To Do Everything [or attempt to] is way, WAY better than To Do Nothing.
Doing Something Right Now is even better. Much better.
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits
Henry Ford
So quit using Waiting for the Big Idea as an excuse for your Analysis Paralysis. Do something! Right Now!
If you don’t have a Big Idea, FORGET the Big Idea! Focus on the multitude of Smaller Ones all around you and do whatever you can. Do the utmost you can
Right Now!!!
If you already have a plan – make a vow starting Never Ever Again Talk About It.
Start doing!
Don’t hesitate, CREATE!
Sure you’re not ready, sure you’ll probably fall on your face – but that’s how we learn
That’s how we prepare to turn the world upside down when the time is right. And the time is right...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Return Of The Prodigal
After a lengthy absence in which I'm sure maybe ONE person truly missed me, I am back scrawling my thoughts on the walls of cyber space
How've y'all been doing? I'm just chilling, especially after having the most emotionally wracking few weeks of my life. I know I may have flippantly mentioned the fact that I recently came out of a very serious relationship. I have made it a rule not to discuss that here or anywhere else, but I'll say this much, this last two weeks? That's when it really HIT me
Still reeling, bloodied, bowed, but still on my feet. I decided to move on. In every single facet of my life. Like a line I heard before - there is a big difference between deciding to change your life and actually doing it (hey, I think I got that quote from the first season of Nip/Tuck)
So I find myself preparing to move to a new place, a new job, a new personal project, a new album. I guess that's the main theme in my life right now - reboot
Start over - but no by pretending that what came before didnt exist or matter. But by admitting that it wasn't working and it had to stop and restart
As I glance over my recent posts, it seems that they've gotten rather personal and rather gloomy...hmm, that wont do - that won't do at all, LOL
Hey, you know what I just realized? Sometimes its a trip to just wake up in the morning and not recognize a damn thing. It reminds you that there is a tommorow you know NOTHING about and that your present routine is just a snippet of the tapestry that WILL be your life
It's just not there yet. Whereever you are right now? You're just not THERE yet...
This is the part where I quit my binging on junk food and put down the PS2 controller. Life goes on - to where? I don't know. But that's two thirds of the fun right?
I shall post again soon...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Morning Blues...
It's like a flash drive, the new fad, everyone HAS to have one, whether you own a computer or not - it's just kinda cool
The melt down thing isn't kinda cool - I was talking about flash drives
I have a long list of movies and stories in development and the such, and right now I dont send them. I am an hour behind on my shooting schedule, in fact I should be with my crew right now - am at the desk in the office writing this...
I DO NOT know what I want for myself, or from the rest of my life - I am finally man enough to admit that I do have a vague idea
Why is it that we have the nagging need to act like we know EXACTLY what we want from or to do with our lives? We don't. The problem is that admitting it scares us...
Think about it, every thing that's happened, didn't you just sort of 'stumble' into it? Sure there was the one thing leads to another cumulative effect and the feeling that 'one thing leads to another' - but wasnt all that good news (or bad news for that matter) COMPLETELY unexpected?
Just blabbing - who knows what will happen and the direction that my life will take in the next 24 hours, I just have the feeling that all things have led to this point...
We'll see...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"Most artists have to hack through a tangled thicket of negativity, logic, and procrastination on the way to creating anything."
True or False? What are your experiences and your thoughts in relation to the above
Have it or have it not do you before? (Lol)
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
I read a lot. Let me rephrase that, you see I read A LOT! And right now am working my way through Richard Branson's expanded version of his 2006 bestseller 'Screw It, Let's Do It'
For those who know me well, the title alone is enough to give them a good belly laugh. I am one of those people who are a fountain of ideas - and am a complete klutz when it comes to implementation/execution
I sit on my hands, I hem and haw, second guess myself, prevaricate and display equally amazing creative talent in inventing reasons why my previously sure fire world changing GREAT idea, just WONT work! LOL
Then I met a few people who seem to have been born with nitro blasters in thier lower bellies. These fellows don't even need a cause, just point 'em at where to go and they'll let it rip! Laughable business plans in hand or not
I have long envied these people and wondered why they didn't pause long enough to get thier hands on a truly great plan before expending all that energy slamming through doors trying to make things happen
These people have long thought I was insane, to come up with such great ideas and then toss them under my bed (It's getting pretty crowded under that bed these days, lol!)
It's little wonder that most companies are founded by two people or more - the heads in the cloud dreamer and the pragmatic, step by step no frills execution guy - even Richard Branson admits that he needed Nik Powell
But back to the core idea, that it's a trip for me to read this book that doesnt really contain all the usual 'nuggets' of business sense, but is simply a call to action - you have an idea that you love? One that tickles your fancy? Then toss the business plan aside and for once don't overthink it. Find someone whose talents you need along for the ride, and when he/she starts to play Devil's Advocate, close your your eyes, plug your ears and childishly yell "Screw it, Let's do it!"
Maybe it's the thought that you might really not need all the talent, luck, whatever, only just the silly ability to trust in yourself enough to say "What the hell, even if we fail, WE HAD FUN!!!"
Hmmm - I don't have any idea why I'm so tripped by the thought, maybe cos it resonates with something in my personality...
But I do think it's a nice idea to mull over - but hey, how has YOUR week been?
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
“the ‘surplus’ society has a surplus of SIMILAR companies, employing SIMILAR people, with SIMILAR educational backgrounds, coming up with SIMILAR ideas, providing SIMILAR things with SIMILAR prices and quality.
To succeed we must stop being so [stupidly] normal. In a winner-takes-all-world,
Here’s hoping you have a day full of tasks that are far from normal. Instead, like Stephen Jobs [Founder and CEO Apple Computers] famously advised,
“Let’s make a dent in the universe”
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Good Morning!
I had one of them days yesterday. The call that started it all? How I suddenly ended up doing a verse on a friends song before 10 am
Low point? Having to visit 3 different branches of the same bank before I could cash a cheque
High point? The night - oh the night - what can I say about it except = if you can see the cheshire grin on my face you would just leave it like that (actually now i think of most peoples tatafo reflex, your response might be quite the opposite)
Its really wierd how in the space of 24 hours one can go through so many different emotions, highs and lows...and then no matter what mood you hit the pillow in, the next morning is a complete do over...
Hmmm...deep thoughts to be having before 8 am
For all those who posted comments up here - thanks! Those nit-picking on my typos, thanks a lot! For real, makes me feel I have someone watching over me.
Am almost done on yet another script I'm working on - LOL! I laugh because I reflexively was about to post the title, but I remember certain comments where I have been urged to quit over publicizing myself - lol!
But its a brand new day, no coffee (yet), but the sky is amazing, I'm in a GREAT mood, breakfast was good, there's cash in my pocket, EVERYTHING is all good (and for those who will ask, no thanks I didnt smoke anything, lol)
Do you ever get that? Get hit with the joy of a do-over. When nothing is THAT serious, compared to the joy of being ALIVE...
I just read through. What have I now posted about? Just checking in I guess to say - thank God everyday for the gift of life, and the miracle of the 24 hour do-over
Will write again when my shoot is done, my crew is here...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Brain Wave!
Wait first! Kai! LOL! I need to go and sleep - abeg, follow me re-read that first sentence. Did I actually say that I 'just has' a brilliant idea? See how I am embarrasing myself on the WORLD wide web?
Anyway, back to the idea - which I realize that I fully can't tell you about - oh, and yeah, here I must pause to tell you that if movies and listening to someone babble about screenwriting and story theory is not your cup of tea (forget tea, coffee - mmmm, cooooffffffeeeeeeeeee.......) then please skip this post
There's this script I've been pulling out of the back of my mind, dusting off, polishing and then pushing back there for a few months now. It's called 'Walking Into Walls' and I JUST realized what the heart of the story is!
I had been battling with it - it has a GREAT opening, an AMAZING end, but it just lacked a little, okay, a LOT of something. It had no heart. The story/script I had forced you brain to nod in agreement but left you largely unmoved - until now
I am excitedly scribbling away on Final Draft as I bounce back and forth between computers - light at the end of the tunnel. I just might have another great movie to try and get made for 2008! Who know? As long as I leave it in God's hands, He gives me the ideas, He'll show me what to do with them...
But the main reason that the script keeps getting pushed into the back of my head is that it's a romantic dramedy - leaning more towards being a romantic comedy. And the thing is following 'Letters to a Stranger' I really didn't want to do another romantic drama or comedy and get pigeon holed - but now, I really don't care - for now
Should I really care either way? Is there the danger of being pigeonholed? Or am I just being paranoid and trying not to admit that it's really because I dont want to be labelled a wuss and have people question my sexual orientation, when I keep making all these sappy love something something films?
Drop me a line and let me know - thanks!
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
The Definition Of Me…
I wish I could simply ignore them or flame them back...but some of these people are those I call(ed) my closest friends...
I understand their ‘concern’...
For those who wonder what I’m up to? Fear not dear friends, I’m doing what I do best. On a mission, with all the wrong weaponry and at the worst possible time
But then again that’s how God loves to set us up isn’t it? I know that you will never fully understand me and that hurts on a very personal level, but I just ran across this quote which I feel best describes the task I have been assigned;
“If I had an epitaph that I would rather have more than any other, it would be to say that I had…disturbed the sleep of my generation”
Adlai Stevenson
Here are two more thoughts that define my frame of mind perfectly and I shall say no more on the topic of me.
“I don’t think there’s anything worse than being normal”
-From the motion picture “American Beauty”
“Consider the Wright brothers. They went around telling people that they’d very much like to fly…I wonder what the townsfolk said? Do you get the feeling that a sense of overwhelming pride was NOT the first feeling to cross their mother’s mind?
And yet the brothers persisted determined to figure out a way to make science fit their lofty ambitions. They didn’t let naysayers convince them that it couldn’t be done.
Yes they failed many times, but… The last time I checked, there were about 50,000 of these harebrained crazy flying machines operating in the US everyday…”
Jason Kotecki from “Escape Childhood”
I understand your worry, but accept it. I AM NOT NORMAL, I don’t expect you to understand the urge to fly that drives a few of us...and love it or hate it, I WILL disturb the sleep of my generation – or I will die trying
Because that is who I am... That is why I am –
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
I wrote the above post on my first blog (which recieved in its entire run only ONE comment - LOL!) in 2003. Then I had just dropped out of school and was trying to find my feet and what I wanted to do with my life...hmmm...quite a lot has changed since then. But then it still remains unbelievably apt - guess that leads me to end with yet another quote
"It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same"...
The Day That Was ToDay...
Okay - take a deep breath. Let it's been a long day...
Let me tell you a funny story. At work today, a few friends of mine (in reflection of my new single status - new, because I was engaged for close to two years and I am recently single. Don't ask for details, thats a story for another day) decided to 'help' my social life by printing notices that said - and I quote - wait hold up, I might as well just put a picture of it up -

That was just one of many - lol! In all fairness I was warned, and I said that I didnt care and all that...and so the signs went up
The oddest part? The Line Producer shows up, and I expect 'Ah sanity prevails!' - his attention was drawn to the signs - one of which was fluttering on the office notice board
"Look what these jobless people are up to (nervous high pitched laugh), imagine in a place of work! See how bored your staff are?"
He gave a sagely nod like - 'Hmm, we can't have that, something has to be done' And he DID do something
Like - Take yet another copy of that sign and stick it prominently OUTSIDE the office! And THEN in biro he added my phone number and e-mail address!

Well thank goodness I was distracted by my shoot - but now, after its all over. Sitting here in the empty's all very funny in a not funny manner, shey you understand?
Anyway the odd thing is that I DID get a phone call and two different potential hook ups from those posters. LOL!
Anyway here I am in the grips of depression, emotionally semi frozen and wondering why I am not burning this midnight oil writing my next great master piece? Awww shucks, who cares anyway? I had a long hard day when I worked at what I love with a great team of professionals - I really can't complain about my life right now 'Victor is for practically for sale' signs or not...
Look at me all whiny about me - hey, how was your day?
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tatafo HQ!
Hey, anybody who has seen any episodes of The Apprentice Africa on TV can drop me a comment about it here - I'm so swamped with work and romantic issues that I never have time to watch it. lol! yeah I said romantic issues, what? Like you dont have any?
The First Day
The main gist is that after my first film 'Letters to a Stranger' which I wrote in 2003/4 and Fred Amata and the great guys at Ecobank picked for one of the Project Nollywood releases for 2007, finally got released this year...well after that became like a major success? - I had a bit of a nervous melt down
I HAD dreamed of getting a movie made all my life, but with Genevieve and Yemi Blaq headlining? Alongside Fred Amata who was directing and producing? Throw in the AMAZING Elvina Ibru with Ibinabo Fiberesima - and top it off with cameos from the likes of Eucharia Anunobi, Segun Arinze and the force of nature that is Joke Jacobs - all in my first movie?
Then I cramped up. What now? Sure I had a couple of stories and scripts lying around...but a worthy follow up?
Then came Day Zero - December 26th 2007 (the day before my birthday incidentally) - a friend (ineffablewater, I'm talking bout YOU!) dragged me out of my deppression and sat me down in front of a PC, logged on to the internet and viola! NAIJARULES.COM forums and there was this whole thread arguing the merits (more) and the demerits (haters! lol!) of LTAS
It made my day, my month, my year - my life...and so I logged on and after weeks of watching the talk go back and forth, I logged on and dropped a few comments...
Hmm - dont know if that was a smart or dumb move, but after a few comments, I mentioned the next script I was planning to write called Deleting Bisi. Imagine my surprise when I logged back on that night to find a whole seperate thread called - - - you guessed it, 'Deleting Bisi'! LOL
Naija no dey slack!
Anyway - after a huge amount of ambivalence, I finally finished the first draft of the Deleting Bisi (and the rough outline of 2 other movies) and the search for a producer began
In all honesty, the 'search' wasnt exactly door to door - but a producer who would let me direct? And keep the vision the way I wanted it? Hmmm - tough sell...
So this blog? Is a little account of my day to day attempt to not go crazy as an uber-creative type in Naija. And a sort of diary while I try to get my film made!
Every nasty little titbit, goof or pshyco Idumota marketer I have to meet with? You'll hear about. Every star, starlet or wannabe who turns me down? Right here baby - and for all the producers who throw me and my wacky movie out? Hall of Fame here too
Get an umbrella in case it rains, an icebox, in case it gets too hot and come along for the ride!
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa
Welcome! Welcome!
This is the blog of all blogs. LOL! Yeah right - this is just the opening salvo. Victor Sanchez Aghahowa speaking. and this is my blog.
In case the name is strange, I'm a rapper - signed to Roc-A-Lot Records from BENIN CITY baby! The album 100% BC album dropped in 2007, the video 'Pick it Up!' went CRAZY on local TV! and MTV and Channel O - nominated for the 2007 Channel O awards under Best New Artiste and the Amen Awards (cant remember the what category)
In case you're wondering that you know the name but not for that reason - then I'm a screen writer - creator and writer of the Guinness sponsored TV show 'Bachelors'. I've written three seasons of that show and still love the heck out of it cos it was my first born - Ruke and Gilda Amata, God bless you for giving some skinny kid from Benin the chance
In case the name looks familiar for any other reason, I am the screenwriter and the assistant director of the best selling Ecobank sponsored Project Nollywood movie "Letters to a Stranger"
right now? I'm Assistant Producer at The Apprentice Africa while moonlighting (?) as a staff writer on MNET's 'Tinsel'
okay! okay! enough with the self hailing! LOL!
Now you know who I am, what I'm about? Guess you'll find out later!
Stay tuned! Why? Hell you just might be bored enough to come back...
Victor Sanchez Aghahowa