Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hey, Hi and Hello there - been gone for a minute, hope you missed me, lol

I read a lot. Let me rephrase that, you see I read A LOT! And right now am working my way through Richard Branson's expanded version of his 2006 bestseller 'Screw It, Let's Do It'

For those who know me well, the title alone is enough to give them a good belly laugh. I am one of those people who are a fountain of ideas - and am a complete klutz when it comes to implementation/execution

I sit on my hands, I hem and haw, second guess myself, prevaricate and display equally amazing creative talent in inventing reasons why my previously sure fire world changing GREAT idea, just WONT work! LOL

Then I met a few people who seem to have been born with nitro blasters in thier lower bellies. These fellows don't even need a cause, just point 'em at where to go and they'll let it rip! Laughable business plans in hand or not

I have long envied these people and wondered why they didn't pause long enough to get thier hands on a truly great plan before expending all that energy slamming through doors trying to make things happen

These people have long thought I was insane, to come up with such great ideas and then toss them under my bed (It's getting pretty crowded under that bed these days, lol!)

It's little wonder that most companies are founded by two people or more - the heads in the cloud dreamer and the pragmatic, step by step no frills execution guy - even Richard Branson admits that he needed Nik Powell

But back to the core idea, that it's a trip for me to read this book that doesnt really contain all the usual 'nuggets' of business sense, but is simply a call to action - you have an idea that you love? One that tickles your fancy? Then toss the business plan aside and for once don't overthink it. Find someone whose talents you need along for the ride, and when he/she starts to play Devil's Advocate, close your your eyes, plug your ears and childishly yell "Screw it, Let's do it!"

Maybe it's the thought that you might really not need all the talent, luck, whatever, only just the silly ability to trust in yourself enough to say "What the hell, even if we fail, WE HAD FUN!!!"

Hmmm - I don't have any idea why I'm so tripped by the thought, maybe cos it resonates with something in my personality...

But I do think it's a nice idea to mull over - but hey, how has YOUR week been?

Victor Sanchez Aghahowa

1 comment:

wellsbaba said...

u knw einstien said dat "a genius is 1percent inspiration n 99percent perspiration" its really not d idea u hav dat matters(4k it,d mad man on d street has ideas) what matters is "can u make it work?can u do it" edison had an idea of makin the incandescent bulb,it took him 10.000 tries to get!......ur readin a good book my friend!