Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Definition Of Me…

This is a rather personal post. The main reason I’m writing this is that even though over time I have developed a rather thick skin, I have recently been under attack by a bunch of closed-minded people who cannot understand why I do what I do.

I wish I could simply ignore them or flame them back...but some of these people are those I call(ed) my closest friends...

I understand their ‘concern’...

For those who wonder what I’m up to? Fear not dear friends, I’m doing what I do best. On a mission, with all the wrong weaponry and at the worst possible time

But then again that’s how God loves to set us up isn’t it? I know that you will never fully understand me and that hurts on a very personal level, but I just ran across this quote which I feel best describes the task I have been assigned;

“If I had an epitaph that I would rather have more than any other, it would be to say that I had…disturbed the sleep of my generation”
Adlai Stevenson

Here are two more thoughts that define my frame of mind perfectly and I shall say no more on the topic of me.

“I don’t think there’s anything worse than being normal”
-From the motion picture “American Beauty”


“Consider the Wright brothers. They went around telling people that they’d very much like to fly…I wonder what the townsfolk said? Do you get the feeling that a sense of overwhelming pride was NOT the first feeling to cross their mother’s mind?

And yet the brothers persisted determined to figure out a way to make science fit their lofty ambitions. They didn’t let naysayers convince them that it couldn’t be done.

Yes they failed many times, but… The last time I checked, there were about 50,000 of these harebrained crazy flying machines operating in the US everyday…”
Jason Kotecki from “Escape Childhood”

I understand your worry, but accept it. I AM NOT NORMAL, I don’t expect you to understand the urge to fly that drives a few of us...and love it or hate it, I WILL disturb the sleep of my generation – or I will die trying


Because that is who I am... That is why I am –

Victor Sanchez Aghahowa


I wrote the above post on my first blog (which recieved in its entire run only ONE comment - LOL!) in 2003. Then I had just dropped out of school and was trying to find my feet and what I wanted to do with my life...hmmm...quite a lot has changed since then. But then it still remains unbelievably apt - guess that leads me to end with yet another quote

"It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same"...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, i read it and i still dont understand why no one has posted a comment on it, even back in 2003 and then i asked myself have you ever wondered why no one has posted anything, because you said all that had to be said from your point of view.....there is nothing missing, no critiscm that needs to be added .....and well yes your not normal, but neither am i and you know that more than anyone else (remember your 'speech': with a heart of gold and a personality wild as hell!) i wont take it in a bad way because all that says is that you know me..... my fave phrase in this blog post was: I WILL disturb the sleep of my generation – or I will die trying.
that is all that needs to be said, what again? Nothing....just 'yaarning' (another insider joke lol)
from your very good friend, with a lot of 'paddy love'.
keep it up and stop doupting yourself.