Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Day That Was ToDay...

So here I am, sitting at a desk at the office after 9 pm on a Sunday evening. My shoot is wrapped for the day and the adrenaline high is wearing off - and I'm exhausted. And even worse I am emotionally F*D up!

Okay - take a deep breath. Let it's been a long day...

Let me tell you a funny story. At work today, a few friends of mine (in reflection of my new single status - new, because I was engaged for close to two years and I am recently single. Don't ask for details, thats a story for another day) decided to 'help' my social life by printing notices that said - and I quote - wait hold up, I might as well just put a picture of it up -

That was just one of many - lol! In all fairness I was warned, and I said that I didnt care and all that...and so the signs went up

The oddest part? The Line Producer shows up, and I expect 'Ah sanity prevails!' - his attention was drawn to the signs - one of which was fluttering on the office notice board

"Look what these jobless people are up to (nervous high pitched laugh), imagine in a place of work! See how bored your staff are?"

He gave a sagely nod like - 'Hmm, we can't have that, something has to be done' And he DID do something

Like - Take yet another copy of that sign and stick it prominently OUTSIDE the office! And THEN in biro he added my phone number and e-mail address!

Well thank goodness I was distracted by my shoot - but now, after its all over. Sitting here in the empty's all very funny in a not funny manner, shey you understand?

Anyway the odd thing is that I DID get a phone call and two different potential hook ups from those posters. LOL!

Anyway here I am in the grips of depression, emotionally semi frozen and wondering why I am not burning this midnight oil writing my next great master piece? Awww shucks, who cares anyway? I had a long hard day when I worked at what I love with a great team of professionals - I really can't complain about my life right now 'Victor is for practically for sale' signs or not...

Look at me all whiny about me - hey, how was your day?

Victor Sanchez Aghahowa

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