Sunday, April 20, 2008

Once Again!

hello people! long time no see, by the way look at the comments on the last post. nigerians i hail o! once the topic is food we must show ourself! lol! but i appreciate all those who take the time to read this blog. and now for the news highlights. where have i been and what have i been up to? working working working...the same old same...what have YOU been up to? since i last posted up here i have said goodbye to the apprentice Africa. hello to another project, a soap opera by the way, details later...just popping in to say Hello!!!

Oh and by the way, have you ever gotten like REALLY depressed over stuff you think you should be doing as opposed to the normal yet everybody else thinks its great life that you have now?

Just asking...


Unknown said...

Yeah I know that feeling very well. I guess its a good thing because if we were satisfied with what we have we wouldn't aim for higher goals. And only if you aim for more, you'll be successful in life!

Habeeb said...

Hey Sanchez, whats new after Letters to a stranger? I just think its good to have someone with a creative depth like yours in the movie industry (but you have to work with the right people though)....