Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Morning Blues...

Hey, Hi, Hello there - I am having a mental melt down because seemingly everyone around me is having one

It's like a flash drive, the new fad, everyone HAS to have one, whether you own a computer or not - it's just kinda cool

The melt down thing isn't kinda cool - I was talking about flash drives

I have a long list of movies and stories in development and the such, and right now I dont send them. I am an hour behind on my shooting schedule, in fact I should be with my crew right now - am at the desk in the office writing this...

I DO NOT know what I want for myself, or from the rest of my life - I am finally man enough to admit that I do have a vague idea

Why is it that we have the nagging need to act like we know EXACTLY what we want from or to do with our lives? We don't. The problem is that admitting it scares us...

Think about it, every thing that's happened, didn't you just sort of 'stumble' into it? Sure there was the one thing leads to another cumulative effect and the feeling that 'one thing leads to another' - but wasnt all that good news (or bad news for that matter) COMPLETELY unexpected?

Just blabbing - who knows what will happen and the direction that my life will take in the next 24 hours, I just have the feeling that all things have led to this point...

We'll see...


Victor Sanchez Aghahowa


Ineffable said...

i don't know what exactly i want to do with my life...but i believe that there are some people who do and they achieve just that...and they are so comfortable living that way you begin to wonder if there could be something "just not right with you"..stumbling into stuff make sticklers uncomfortable...and just stumbling into stuff, and being comfortable there, proves that you are one of "them"...the ones the world will never understand...but the ones who will make an impact so haaaaaard, the tsunami will feel like a gentle

O'Dee said...

I know the end, but I dont know the process. asin, I know i want 2 b api, successfull, do what i love bla bla bla. But I dont have it all planned out, I just take things 1 step at a time.
am kinda known for saying "I dont know" a lot.

Anonymous said...

I know where i am going and i am sure that though i may or may not have a few detours, ultimately i will get to where i am headed.

I am complete in Christ and my identity is found in Christ.
